Saturday 2 February 2008

Snowing in Vevey

Today when I was wandering home from sending off my nephew's birthday present (sorry Edward, it will be a little late), I noticed little flecks of ice amongst the rain that had started to fall.

By the time I was in Place Scanavin near the apartment it was really coming down quite hard and, while everyone else had run for cover, I stood in the square so Linda could take a photo of me.

This was quite exciting because, while there is plenty of snow in the mountains all around us, we hadn't had much snow actually in Vevey where we live. The fact that we live in the 'Swiss Riviera' should have meant this was not surprising to us but anyway it didn't quite match our expectations of what living in Switzerland would be like.

I even made a small video!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Mark, it's OK, Edward can have another birthday next week.
Snow is actually water. Love Barnaby.
Edward says: "bye, bye Muncle Mark!"